Apricots, canned, water pack, with skin, solids and liquids (per 100g)

No Results Found

Energy: 9.52%
Energy: 4.83%
Energy: 85.66%

Mass (in grammes)

Calories (kcal) - 30 kcal

Храни със сходен, подобен състав, заместител на Apricots, canned, water pack, with skin, solids and liquids за пълноценно и здравословно хранене.

*The ingredient will be added balanced. You can change the Apricots, canned, water pack, with skin, solids and liquids quantity in Balansator after you add it.

Apricots, canned, water pack, with skin, solids and liquids Food data (per 100g)

Name Value
Energy (kcal) 30
Измерени калории (kcal) 27
Protein (g) 0.71
Lipid (g) 0.16
Carbo (g) 6.39
Water (g) 92.36
Sugar (g) 4.79
Fiber 1.6
Ash 0.38
Calcium (mg) 8
Phosphorus (mg) 13
Iron (mg) 0.32
Sodium 3
Potassium 192
Magnesium 7
Zinc 0.11
Copper 0.082
Manganese 0.053
Selenium 0.1
Vit E 0.6
Vit B6 0.054
Vit A IU 1959
Vit A RAE 98
Vit B12 0
Vit C 3.4
Vit D 0
Vit D IU 0
Vit K 2.2
Thiamin 0.021
Riboflavin 0.023
Niacin 0.395
Panto Acid 0.092
Folate 2
Folic Acid 0
Folate DFE 2
Food Folate 2
Choline 1.8
Retinol 0
Alpha Carot 0
Beta Carot 1170
Beta Crypt 11
Lycopene 0
Lut Zea 26
FA Sat 0.011
FA Mono 0.069
FA Poly 0.031
Cholestrl 0
Refuse Pct 0

Храни със сходен, подобен състав, заместител на Apricots, canned, water pack, with skin, solids and liquids за пълноценно и здравословно хранене.

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