Calories calculator


Body measurements

Body • Intake • Burned calories

  • Calorie intake and balance
  • Burned calories
  • Body parameters

Historical data with graphs for optimal control of your nutrition and physical balance.

Calculate the energy you burn by different physical activity and sport.

Fitness simulator for easy planning of your physical activity and burned calories.

Combined with Balansator and the Logs Nutrition and Sport you can control your energy balance and the balance of your diet.


Calories Burn CalculatorAdd activities

{{ ctrl.result.razhod }}kcal
{{ ctrl.result.hours }}:{{ ctrl.result.minutes }} Total Hours
Total time
{{ ctrl.result.hours }}:{{ ctrl.result.minutes }}
Daily estimation
{{ ctrl.result.estimated }} kcal
Activity Calories Duration (min)
{{ }} {{ activity.razhod ? activity.razhod + ' Calories' : '' }} {{ activity.time ? activity.time + ' min' : '' }}
What do those intensities mean?
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Intensity Matches

Cycling, cycling, light aerobics, hunting and fishing, active play with children and pets, yard work, gardening, skateboarding, tennis pairs, rowing canoeing, slow downhill skiing.


Tоваро-разтоварна дейност, цепене на дърва, работа с ел. инструменти (резачки, бормашини и др.), леко копаене, почистване на сняг, грижа за стопански животни.
Колоездене 20km/h, бодибилдинг, аеробика, съчетание джогинг-ходене, баскетбол, боксиране на круша, тенис двойки, ходене 6-7 km/h, плуване.


Рязане с трион, зидарство, копаене (средно), планински туризъм.
Велоергометър (средно), интензивна аеробика, джогинг, футбол, баскетбол, ски, кънки, скейтборд, гребане.


Moving to heavy objects, fruit growing and forestry, digging, farming.
Cycling 25 km / h, cross-country cycling, running 10 km / h, basketball-game, soccer, hockey, mountaineering, mountain hiking, beach volleyball, swimming, step aerobics.


Хамалски дейности, рязане за дърва, копаене (тежко).
Тичане 10 km/h, бокс-спаринг, футбол, планински туризъм, ски, гребане.


Handling operations, cycling 30 km/h, steppe aerobics, running 12 km/h, judo, karate, kickboxing, taekwondo, jump rope (average), soccer, swimming (competition).


Хамалски дейности, тичане 13 km/h, катерене, бързо плуване.


Handling operations, cycling 30-40 km / h, 200 W stationary bicycle, box-tournament, rope jump (fast), squash, skating, rowing, diving


Велоергометър 250 W, тичане 14-16 km/h, гмуркане.


Спринт, тичане нагоре по стълби, бягство от зло куче.


Who is Balansator?

Have you ever tried to count calories with a table? A tough job. There are online tests and calculators, but they do not provide a way to set desired nutrition balance and food quantities.

Balansator is not only calorie calculator but also balances your diet calculating the right quantities and proportions between your selected foods.

Balansator is a hyper-intelligent software, having the super-force to find the right balance between the main nutrients in your daily diet - proteins, fats and carbohydrates.